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Emotional Limitations

As a Family and Grief Therapist, I honor Simone Biles for her courage and her honesty.

It appears that Simone is not only skilled in gymnastics, but her skill of knowing who

she is and the emotional limitations are equally admirable.

Simone is a reminder for all of us to realize and acknowledge when we have reached

our emotional limits. You do not have to be an Olympic Athlete to find yourself feeling anxious, sad, overwhelmed, wondering how you will get through the next day, even the next hour. These feelings are sig of emotional burnout; a message that you have reached your limit.

“I have to do what is right for me and focus on my mental health and not jeopardize

my mental health.” Simone said, bravely.

Simone is a role model for us. Stress and anxiety are on the rise again with the

Delta Virus threatening our daily lives, and the notion that our children will not

be able to go back to school creates new anxiety we didn’t think we would have

to face.

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, sad, anxious, and have internal shaky feelings.

Your commitment to yourself and to your loved ones is to know it,

say, and stand back for a while.


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