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Strengthen Your Relationship || Intentional Date Nights

Setting aside time to invest and nurture your relationship contributes to interpersonal satisfaction, fosters deep emotional connection, and creates growth in your partnership with your significant other.

As a marriage and family therapist with over twenty-five years of experience in my own practice, as well as numerous years of personal experience, join me in this article series for five practical ways to build resilience in your relationship.


Social science demonstrates that couples with deliberate, intentional commitments feel more satisfied with their relationships. Research also shows that date nights decrease stress and increase feelings of emotional support in couples.

Your plans do not have to be extravagant or expensive, just different from your everyday routine.

Date nights replenish the depth of intimacy and connection between significant others that is often diminished in the chaos of daily living.

Often, date nights help to sustain the connection in a relationship throughout the years and rekindle the romantic feelings that shift in the different life stages you and your partner experience.

As you both change throughout your relationship, date nights are opportune moments to reconnect with your partner, self-define yourselves, and discuss your aspirations for the future.


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