Dear Neighbors,
When the Corona Cloud began and then continued and continued some more, I wrote to you with the intention of providing some balance, reassurance, and hope.
Many of us are experiencing an insidious unrelenting helplessness.
We are asking the same questions every day.

How should I take care of myself and my family?
Will my job or school be restored?
What if I run out of money and my job is not available anymore?
Will I be able to see my parents or my grandchildren again?
When will this be over?
The most frightening question is "What if it never ends?!"
We are asking these questions to nobody who can give us answers.
No one knows the answers.
This is the first time something like this has happened in most of our lifetimes. The people we automatically count on, our leaders, our doctors, our parents, have never dealt with a crisis like this before.
How can they be expected to have the answers?
They are asking the same questions.
The level of anxiety, depression, isolation, and fear is deepening. In some cases, the deepening leels have led to rage, disrespect, and sadly, violence. For some it has evolved into true trauma that may lead to lingering to PTSD.
Even as an experienced Family and Grief Therapist, I too am experiencing similar feelings and thoughts. No one is immune from these natural reactions to what is surrounding us.
I surely have no answers, but let me a share a quotation that may give you a moment or two of pause. It was written by Rainer Maire Rilke, a Czech poet who lived from 1875-1926.
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are really princesses,
who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
Perhaps everything that frightens us is in its deepest essence
something helpless that needs our love.”
My thoughts go to all of you. Please reach out if you are isolated and need to talk. You are not alone in this.
Join my online community for updates on support groups and additional resources.
I will keep you in the loop of what is available for receiving support from me.
If you would like to talk about an area of your life you are struggling with, let me know. We can easily schedule a short 15-minute chat to explore how I might support you.
You do not have to struggle alone. I am here to help.